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Welcome to CalNET

The only social network that is not innappropriately censored, actually listens to your concerns, and brings people together.

What is this site for:

CalNET is where you can have a voice, to freely speak what you believe is true, not what other SN's deem is ok.

Do we have rules:

Oh yes we do.

1) No Gore, Extreme Violence, Nudity/Porn (not even educational), or Curse Words worse than Crap.

2) Please respect others.

3) Don't be discriminatory (beware, if you report something that isn't, you will face consequences).

4) Please don't make threats.

5) No links to questionable sites.

6) Please keep all political talk inside groups. This way, you can unfollow or block groups without unfollowing/blocking your friends.

7) Do not display anything that could result in ID Theft. We are not responsible for identity theft via user error.

8) ALL GROUPS can be blocked, unfollowed, hidden, or even banned. Some other SN's are providing favoritism for some groups by not allowing people to hide them or block them. It is extremely sad, so to prevent this dishonorable thing, all groups will be subject to the same rules.

9) Don't take credit where none is yours.

10) Before posting, think about how your family members may think of it. Will they want me posting a selfie with more skin than is PG? Will they want me singing songs that have some unsavory raps?

11) No promoting actual hate groups (To define, the group has to actively declare their hate and threats against certain groups of people. Salvation Army is not a hate group, as they are a non profit organization that gives anyone and everyone who is struggling in life anything to those who come to them in need. So would St. Judes not be a hate group. PETA is a hate group, as they actiively try to disrupt lives and perform harm in their cause for what they call "Animal Rights" including kidnapping of family pets and personal pets, and putting them to death after ransom is paid).

12) Do not dissuade one from their beliefs or belittle them because of their beliefs. You can tell someone what your beliefs are as long as you are not belittling them or actively trying to convince them that they you are right and they will burn because they disagree.

13) Please do not be innappropriate. Also, we are a small team. If you are being cyberbullied on here, report it, but we may not be able to deal with the issue immediately, so if you are constantly being harrassed, please block them. We will permit blocking. Also, no requesting for personal info if the person you are asking says they do not wish to disclose that info.

14) To build onto rule one, you are not even allowed to post school approved or educational material that contains Gore, Extreme Violence, Nudity/Porn, or words worse than Crap. News articles that do not contain porn or gore are exempt because we can't ask Blaze or Fox to censor out everything so that it can be posted on here. ALL news outlets have writers with opinions (some have to follow an agenda or narrative, some don't) so if they say a guy was beheaded by an explosion, or there was human traffiking for porn involved, aslong as there are no images of it in the article, you can post it here. Most articles don't have images or videos with such content. If the article is describing it, however, with detail, then it should not be posted. The definition of Porn is any MEDIA that arrouses one sexually. Under rule 1 and 14, uncovered breastfeeding will be considered porn. We know its a natural thing, but its basically free, unregulated porn that can be downloaded and shared in a vicious, unending cycle that could result in harrassment of the person in the photo. Regardless of who you are taking a photo of, even if its yourself, don't post uncovered breastfeeding or talk about it. There are sites that have people that can find them, and do serious harm. That being said, you may post yourself in a swim suit on the beach or wearing a dress to prom. At this point, its rules that your parents have or any beliefs you may follow that dictate if the photo is ok. No requesting nudes, that is completely unnaceptable. We may not be able to see it because of how the site may be set up, but we may find out if there is a controversy that begins to unravel, or we get contacted by a concerned parent.

15) We only have 2GB of storage available in total, so please don't post like crazy. It will help if you have a photo sharing site to keep the photos off of here (please don't post links to photos that are innappropriate, this falls under rule 1 and 14). Each user has a maximum of 10MB of storage (not a whole lot, but eventually, this SN will be on a new platform or even be platform independent).

16) Please keep debates in private chatrooms. You may post about articlesa dn have your opinion on them, but try not to bash anyone in public.

17) If a moderator is being a problem, tell another mod or contact an admin. We don't want mods to make fun of or bully people for something simple.


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